Review by PrisonMike

Halo: Season 2

2x08 Halo


THE BEST PART OF THE HALO SHOW IS THE OPENING CREDITS........................................

I've had bowel movements I considered to be more enjoyable then watching this show.

Kwan's story continues to bore. The old lady or prophet or whatever the fuck she is, is just weird and not on par with Halo at all.

Why do they show the spartan 3's faces inside the helmet? Its the most odd perspective ever. The cinematography is terrible.

At least Master Chief was actually in his suit for once....

90% of the actors on this show are complete trash. The story is complete trash. If you ever played the game and loved it, stay completely away from this trash.

Why does Miranda always have this dumbfounded look on her face? Useless character

I enjoyed the last episode of game of thrones more than any of these halo episodes if that says anything. And... the last episode of GoT was complete fucking trash.

I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard then to have to be subjected to any more of this story. I'm only watching at this point as I am this fucking far in... I wish there would have been comments like mine here, warning me about this travesty of a show.

The spartan 3's make me grow a big rubbery one... Wish they would just focus on Master Chief. I mean, I know everyone plays the Halo game for all the other characters except Master Chief...... said no one.

I still can't stand SGT PEREZ. She is a horrible actress. She overacts on everything and she always has this dumbass look on her face.

Getting covid 19 is more enjoyable then watching this trash.

Fuck this show, if it gets renewed for a third season, I will have no absolutely no faith left in Hollywood. AGAIN, REBOOT IT AND START FRESH!

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@mediacenterkodi then stop watching it. It's not the video game, so stop treating it like it is.

@izzmo This is a TV show, not the video game. Jeez ! stop comparing every video game that is not properly as a tv show, you have ruined so many!
