Ok so I've read the books, and I didn't want to be that guy...but what was this episode??? Time to be that guy!

I loved the first 5 episodes, even if they took some creative freedom and altered some characters. I'm no "book purist". Episode 5 in particular gave me goosebumps even though I knew what was coming. The particular combo of episodes 4 and 5 left on such an insanely high note...only to plunge straight down into this slog of an episode, with practically none of it being in the source material.

If there's one thing the show directors are known for, it's for butchering projects when they attempt to write original material shudders at the last Game of Thrones season. Despite the criticism, they do a very good job when they stick to the source material. This is a complete trilogy, so there was no need for them to deviate. Ep 1-5 covers book 1, ep 6 was completely made up. Ep 8 seems to cover the beginning of book 2 based on the episode title.

Book 1 got 30, yes, thirty one hour episodes in China's version of Three Body released last year. Much of the depth and nuance is lost in this version, and until this episode, I've been cutting them some slack with the 8 episode time allotment in mind. Given a budget for 8 episodes, these directors decided to cram book 1 into five episodes, write two of their own shitty episodes, then (hopefully) end with a strong ep 8 based in the book. They could have easily done book 1 ep 1-7 instead of this absolute momentum killer. The slow and powerful reveals in the book were reduced to one-liners in the show. For what. So they could add two original episodes that sucked? Learn from your mistakes, morons. Stick to the script.

Even the science they tried to introduce in this episode was laughable compared to the book. Like a slap in the author's face. Ugh.

Then the cheese love triangle. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Anyway, this concludes my rant. I hope episode 7 isn't as bad as I'm expecting, but I'm still excited to see them get back to the source material in the 'Wallfacers' episode.

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