Shout by Henrique Benincaza Dos Santos

3 Body Problem: Season 1

1x05 Judgment Day

I got the feeling that the entire series is made to try to justify that scene on the ship, and yet it absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. The explanation that it was the only way to get the hard drive is completely ridiculous. With all the current technology, the author has to be really clueless to think that the best way to obtain that hard drive is by assembling, in 6 days, a gigantic version of an experimental technology still in testing, and have it work.

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Read the book, my guy. The show directors absolutely butchered the explanation of why they used the nano wires.

In short, even if the wires sliced the drive, it would still be able to be repaired since it would be such a clean and straight slice. All the other methods would too slow (giving them time to destroy the drive themselves, as Mike Evans almost did in the show), or too destructive and render the drive beyond repair.

It sucks when the author has such great ideas, and the show directors try to dumb them down to a toddler level. Read the book :wink:

@drkickflip13 now it does makes sense! In no way this came across during the episode and the entire show feels it has been written by a child if you have no context of the book.
