Review by Ben

Argo 2012


Review by Ben

Well... it's a political/historical drama after all.
Sure it's based on great true events - but other then that it's nothing special.

As well as @Pdr & @alixael I can not quite understand why it got the academy award for best motion picture... there were far more proper contestants.
Despite it looked & felt like the 70's there was nothing else remarkable.
It had many "Will they make it?" moments - but actually it's very predictable from the very beginning. So it's a no brainer.
The cast did a good job, even my name pal Ben & of course Bryan Cranston (aka: Walter White, aka: Heisenberg) fantastic as always - this guy has probably the greatest voice on this planet :D
But best IMO was this Iran soldier at the airport, no kidding!
Plus it had Coach Eric Taylor, and John Goodman c'mon he is in everything right now ;D

My conclusion:
If you have seen "Munich" (2005)
you pretty much have seen this one.
Movies like: Munich, Ali, and Argo don't fall into the category action, they don't have that much entertainment factor - from my point of few they serve more as a historical or political lesson.

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