The fact they keep calling it boat, like it’s a tiny dinghy.

And as if they’ve never seen titanic - when the water gushed in my second hand trauma hit.

And then suddenly the show skips several hours just like that, too.

The twist too, her believing Rufus had abandoned her and having so much rage about someone killing her mom, in the end it’s all the mother who did the abandoning.

All in all "Viktor" tries to deliver a good message, somewhere wrapped up in the story, and the show tries to deliver both that and the "but is that truly justified", but the last few episodes felt a bit anticlimactic, I'm not entirely buying the justifications.

Wasn't buying the "a few happy days in the snow" plot either, and wondered why the hell Imogene would, but ah, of course there was a bigger plot behind it.
I had wondered why the carts were rescued too.

I do like how they’re all one big team in the end. They could host a completely different show. Maybe they will, if season 2 becomes a thing.

And in the end, Imogene does put away the person who killed her mom, I suppose.
Well, the first half of the how was a lot more enjoyable than the latter, but I still did like it.
Nothing near as great as Only Murders though. Not even close.

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