Shout by Jack Hnatejko

Gone in Sixty Seconds 2000

Fast & Furious #0. Feels almost like a prototype.

On a serious note - this is an enjoyable action flick from the 00s with spot on casting and decent story (not particularly smart, but lack of brains here never really gets in the way of good fun).

A lot of chemistry between characters, Nic Cage is being Nic Cage, Robert Duvall is here, Will Patton is also here both as convincing as ever. Angelina is here too, as beautiful as ever... Delroy Lindo plays the role of a detective wonderfully, never missing the beat.

It's the epitome of 00s movie comfort food. It's enjoyable, it's entertaining and gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling every time Angelina Jolie is on screen.

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