Shout by Jack Hnatejko

Kick-Ass 2010

What a surprise. Matthew Vaughn proved what he is really capable of with this movie. While I am not familiar with the source material at all, my unfamiliarity didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of "Kick-Ass".

While action set pieces certainly take the forefront, "Kick-Ass" has a great amount of emotional and genuinely sad scenes, all very well balanced to fit in with the action.

Main character is interesting, with his motivations and changes he's going through really well laid out - it's Big Daddy (Nicholas Cage's amazing performance) and Hit-Girl (Chloe Grace-Moretz so confidently good) that really steal the show here. Her relationship is what fuels the story, and the chemistry between them is top notch.

Strobe scene doesn't get enough recognition I think, but it shows perfectly the extent fathers are willing to go for, to make sure their daughters are safe.

"Take cover child... now switch to Kryptoniiiiite!" Nic Cage screams in agony, while being burned alive, tied to a chair... what a powerful moment and great piece of acting from him.

Comedy is also mostly on point. It's a great movie, through and through. Good job, MV.

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