Shout by Miguel A. Reina

Stray Bodies 2024

[CPH:DOX '24] One of the most interesting aspects of the film is how it presents the contradictions around three controversial topics, avoiding adopting an eminently activist position, although claiming the individual right to make certain decisions, to present different points of view which invite reflection. The most difficult part of the film is the one that addresses euthanasia, through a Swiss doctor who practices assisted suicide but has an anti-abortion speech. The director is possibly more emphatic in the representation of religious iconography, especially in the fragment that accompanies Robin, expressing the way in which the mainly masculine perspective of Christianity is what has promoted control over decisions regarding the female body. It is a complex film that navigates the contradictions of a Europe that has different political agendas in relation to the control of the body, but raises a decisive question about why political decisions must be the ones that manage personal decisions. .

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