Shout by Alexandra E

The Truth vs. Alex Jones 2024

The meme videos did better clips of Jones being embarrassed on the stand in both cases than this did. They focused more on the parents stories, which was by far more respectful than Jones was over the decade of hell he put these folks through.

The fact that Jones really still hasn't been held to account, that he still snubs the system by not paying up for either of the two cases, just shows how in our country people like him WASP men always continue to get a different standard than the rest of us. it's unconscionable even though it should be unfathomable.

8 out of 10.

8 is usually a good as it gets for a documentary. it's easy to back seat drive, but no documentary has the time to tell the story unless they want to do 5 to ten 45 minute/1 hour segments.

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