Shout by saundrew

The Martian 2015

You have to be kidding me. They've been advertising this movie with Matt Damon all over the posters and trailers and TV spots. He's listed as the top billed actor. People keep talking about him in this and how great he is. I see him promoting this film everywhere.

And then he dies in like the first five minutes. So stupid. I went into this to see why everyone loves him in this movie, but he gets hit by a piece of equipment and dies before I've even taken a bite of popcorn. Maybe, I thought, he isn't quite dead. But then NASA makes a full statement and everything that he died, so it had to be true.

I was so pissed that I just got up and walked out. I'm not dealing with this crap.

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You should watch the rest of the movie, if you didn't already.
