Shout by Tommy

Elsbeth 2024

This is a modern take on the classic Columbo, with some minor changes. The criminals in Columbo was smarter, and watching Columbo finding the clues was interesting. In Elsbeth the criminals are not as smart, and the actual police is not only incompetent they are refusing to let Elsbeth help when she obviously does the job for them, that makes no sense.

The point where Elsbeth shines is in how happy and easy going the show is thanks to its main character, smiles are contagious and watching it makes me smile and there really are to few of those shows. That really is the brilliance of the show and what makes me wanna watch more of it. I hope it will get lots of episodes and lots of seasons, this is a format that can continue forever and I'll keep waiting for the next one.

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