Shout by Leon Feng

Fallout: Season 1

1x07 The Radio

So there's an elixir that turns humans into ghouls in seconds? I'm sorry, but this feels more like The Elder Scrolls than Fallout.

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@leonfeng Nah, in The Elder Scrolls, you usually need to rest before the cursed diseases take effect. Insta-ghoul sounds a lot more in Fallout's wheelhouse.

@leonfeng FO4's Hancock turned into a Ghoul thanks to an experimental drug. It could very well be the same one Thaddeus used.

@ghax1111 Wow, I didn't know that! Just looked it up on Fallout Wiki, Hancock says to the Sole Survivor:

Only one of its kind left, and only one hit.

That's according to Hancock, though. This episode changes everything, I guess. Hope Season 2 will explain it further, like how does the science behind instant ghoulification work? Who is the snake oil salesman and why did he try to kill himself?
