Shout by Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

Fallout 2024

Well, I did say I'll give them a free 10 stars if I see at least one easter egg related to bugs, and 1 star if none.

I didn't see any so 1 star for Season 1. If they add one in Season 2, then they'll get a free 10 stars for it. :wink:

Come on. It's not Fallout if there are no bugs. I can think a lot of ways to insert those easter eggs without affecting the plot. You can even make some scenes and dialogues funny while at it

Now, before you cry about it, I rated each episode fairly.

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I'm pretty confident there was many bug references. In fact, Lucy and Maximus were both nearly killed by Rad Roaches. Based on your statement, it should be 10 stars.
