Review by Ward

The Shining 1997

Slow build up, but there isn't much good "building up" it's more just going on with it's little drama of getting to the hotel and then getting set up with it. It's only after an hour to an hour and a half that things start happening.

Critically, it has interesting characterization and themeing with the drama around alcoholism and family drama. You also have ghost stuff in the hotel and how it affects the characters, and there's some good suspense and creepy moments sometimes.

But personally, i didn't feel invested enough in what was going on. I wasn't compelled, i wasn't immersed enough. I liked the characters enough, but the story and ghost elements and psychic ability felt thin.

The acting is pretty decent to good. Rebecca De Mornay in particular as the loving wife and mother caught my eye a lot, she's a good actress and stunningly beautiful. Plus, those kinds of characters endear me a lot to them.

So while objectively things seem pretty good or decent, you can tell from the ratings that a lot of people felt like i did that we just weren't interested or immersed enough in the overall story and experience. This show is a good indicator about the objectivity and/vs subjectivity of fiction.

It doesn't help that it's a mini-series, dragging things out and having a slow build up.

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