Shout by Digital Phreaker

Fallout: Season 1

1x08 The Beginning

With only one episode left, I was a little worried it wouldn't be able to wrap up the loose ends satisfyingly, but my worries were unfounded.

When I heard this was in development, I -- like a lot of other people -- kinda wrote it off as probably going down the other route of video game adaptations. Granted, I was mostly thinking about movies, and good lord is that a terrible track record, but even knowing it was going to be a show with room to grow instead of a quick 90-120 minute movie that tries to cram a bunch of lore into one story, I still wasn't all that thrilled at its chances of pulling it off.

This is something I'm gonna be rewatching a lot until season two airs. And if its anything like some of my other favorite serialized shows, I'll probably be rewatching each season before a new one airs.


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