Review by Acoucalancha

Abigail 2024

"I got the garlic."
"Sammy, those are fucking onions."

Go in blind without seeing the trailer for this one. The trailer ruined the first and part of the second act for me, it's basically a whodunit mystery in a mansion with the characters being clueless and blaming each other. We've all seen the trailer! That first act is worthless. Why show us the twist it's so frustrating.

Abigail is Ready or Not but with a vampire twist, nothing original and not as good as Ready or Not but it's still a decent fun time. Perfect set, lots of blood, lots of action, and some laugh out loud moments. The tone is completely off though, it's campy most of the time but also tries to be a heartfelt drama at other times—those are polar opposites, it doesn't work! The vampire powers were so interesting, probably my favorite aspect of the movie.

Don't let the title fool you, this movie should be called "Dan Stevens" cause he steals the spotlight as he usually does. The moment when he says "I feel great" and everything after that was peak. As much as I enjoyed him, it's a shame that he steals the spotlight from Abigail (Alisha Weir) because this was supposed to be her movie. She's excellent in the role, always believable, so confident and actually scary. Kathryn Newton was absolutely killer in a certain scene. Melissa Barrera's best performance yet, I wasn't a fan of her acting in Scream VI but she was actually believable here.

As good as the cast is, it tries too hard with the characters. They're not that interesting and the execution for the character buildup could have been better handled. Constantly having to build up those characters in between action scenes slowed down the movie considerably when they should really be dying instead sinse this is a horror movie. It also had no right being this long, a good 20-30 minutes could be cut out. The last twist was laughable and overstayed it's welcome.

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@acoucalancha I regret watching the trailer when it came out, they actually spoiled the whole damn movie in the trailer dint they. Gotta wait for the digital release to watch but they gave away a lot of stuff in the trailer.

@dulneth-p well not the whole movie there's other twists later in the movie but the whole first act (first half almost) is worthless if you saw the trailer. They also give away a few other twists if you look at it carefully. Anyway I hope you enjoy regardless.

@acoucalancha I disagree about the character development pacing, as I enjoyed that, and the buildup, despite the trailer. But I'm with you on the rest. I do hate when they spoil reveals in the trailers, though.

@lnero glad you were able to look past all that and enjoy it :)
