Nothing could have prepared me for episode 4. It is extremely dark and upsetting. That episode was hard to watch knowing that really happened to author in real life. Episode 4 left me emotionally drained. My brain needed a break.

I have to say up to this moment I was really frustrated with watching Donny making bad decisions with regards to the Martha situation, Donny’s insane lack of boundaries got on my nerves. But in this episode he finally admitted Martha was giving him the attention that he craved, as he said, “Martha saw me the way I wanted to be seen.”

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Although it was a dark episode, it does explain his decisions and now I get it. Also, I have nothing but admiration for the courage needed to tell his story.

@cutecruel This is why I'm always peeved by people who say "This is unrealistic! No one would allow this to happen! Normal people don't behave like that!" when there are numerous behavioral signs that there is some very severe trauma in the character's past.
