So he is the new Martha now

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@great_vc he did noting wrong with offering a drink to Martha. It is normal not to blame himself

@borgdaniel87 i do not think you understood my comment. And besides that, the point is that he did SO SO SO MANY things and choices wrong afterwards. He needed psychiatric help, very hard to feel sorry for him like a "victim".

@great_vc To me, it seemed that it was a moment of realisation that he was not to blame for Martha. That bartender offering him a drink free of charge just like he did with the ice tea to Martha, helped him to see that him performing one act of kindness just as this man did to him didn’t give Martha, justification to stalk him and ruin his life. He was not to blame and he realised it in that moment.

@borgdaniel87 she didn’t ruin his life, he was capable of doing in it on his own. He was self-destructive and grave for “bad” things and could not hold happiness. Martha was just the top of the iceberg, just a person who pushed him to self destruction. He had plenty of times to take actions. The man was ill. He had sex with her and masturbated over over on her picture. What are we still talking about ????????
