I heard a few blurbs about this show and decided to try an episode and see if it hooked me. It hooked me.

I headed into episode 4 thinking, am I really going to stay up until 3AM binging the whole series in one sitting? Then...episode 4 happened.

This episode wasn't necessarily bad, but the words "bad trip" come to mind. I was breezing along, enjoying the hypnotic and fun ride, then things got extremely intense and dark. I was not prepared, at all, for this episode.

However, like a bad trip, it can be seen as an experience to draw meaning from. In this case, we now understand on a whole new level why the main character is the way he is, why he treats people the way he does, and why he seeks out the types of relationships he does.

I'll have to let this digest before finishing the series. I fully intend on finishing it, but I can imagine some viewers stopping here. It's tragic knowing this is a true story.

There's almost a dark humor looking back at my experience with the first three episodes. I even thought about which friends I might recommend the show to, like the setup to one of the main character's antithesis jokes. "So anyway, episode 4". This will be one of those shows that I appreciate the experience, but would never recommend.

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