Shout by NealZ

A blend of heartwarming and peculiar. I really appreciated how they crafted such an empty atmosphere; it must have been quite a challenge. I'm not entirely sure how advanced they were in the late 50s, but watching it now, I couldn't help but recall 'Cast Away' and, of course, 'Last Man on Earth' (what a surprise!).

The central theme of the movie is what bothered me a bit. Initially, they had a beautiful existence, but everything changes when another man enters the picture. Suddenly, it's all about vying for the woman's affection to the extent of contemplating self-harm. (I mean, I can somewhat understand it—Inger Stevens is truly captivating, a beautiful and talented actress. I'll definitely have to check out more of her work.) But as a millennial, I find the idea of solitude more romantic than it may have been perceived in the past. Instead of relishing it, they become desperate for human connection, even if it means destroying what they've built.

The ending felt a bit lame, but I suppose it was the obvious choice for the audience.

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