I’m at a point with these shows where I feel the writers, director and perhaps the sound man need to be brought to an international court for crimes against our attention span with a high crime of wasting everyone time.

It seemed like a demo tape for a new camera with long droning cello’s — all enclosed locations, terrible dialogue, a character not established enough for the audience to commit any empathy towards (nor any other character.) Really melodramatic for no reason. Like the shot is a girl putting that thing on and you think its going to cut to the alternative world, but the tension continues instead to a lab guy pulling a smoky probe out a hole. The music continues to build obnoxiously, like a Key & Peele level absurdity -until two characters ( I’ve clocked 6 hours watching but still unsure of who they are and why I should care) step out and watch a rocket launch. Long music cue, shots of close-ups of people i dont care about, music is blaring 15 minutes later - nothing burger.

The episode has four of these moments of blue balls inducing suspense. The first is at the UN, long monologue extremely poor writing, tension building, shmuck refuses to stand - tension drops to full orchestra. Nothing burger- literally what is the point of this shows score? To fill the void of how poorly written it is? Perhaps :thinking: or maybe its an illusion of a show; a corporate sprint that attempts to dot the tee’s and cross the eyes to just suck the soul out of your already jilted soul.

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