I think they made an error in dialogue, Barris is telling the Fourth Sister that they are still alive but there is only one man, so I think originally creators wanted severall Jedi there but ultimately they decided that there will only be one, and they forgot to rerecord the dialogue. Idk it's so weird that they left that mistake in.

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@dbmen no mistake here and no cut story either. "The Jedi", as the character is known, is non-binary so would be referred to by they and them.

@sheldon1985 Hahahah sure dude whatever you say

@dbmen It's very clear,in the dialogue "they" is used to refer to The Jedi multiple times in a very obvious singular pronoun way. If you can't handle pronouns, you probably shouldn't be watching Star Wars, movies and shows about terrorists fighting a tyrannical government.

@essenslug You really think that Jedi who is hiding and fighting for survival told everyone his pronounce, he is like "I hiding from Inquisitors, but I'm non binary and my pronounce are they/them so please refer to me as such" imagine that situation

@gogisia No, you're right, they shouldn't have used neutral pronouns, they should've just created their own, because they don't know the jedi's pronouns. They should've used Kitten/kittenself instead.

@gogisia Can't help but notice you didn't comment on the second part of my comment. You really are afraid of pronouns aren't you?

@essenslug What? That doesn't even make sense, The Jedi is obviously a man

@gogisia "you" are disgusted by "pronouns" allergic to grammar lmao

@gogisia Nothing obvious about it, but keep living in fantasyland

@essenslug Look, all I'm saying is that its confusing for a lot of people that creators used "they" to describe a single Jedi, for example in Polish dub they just refer to the Jedi as he, and no one is confused

@dbmen And I'm saying it's weird people are confused when the singular they in English has existed for a very long time.

@gogisia Lmao, I just realised "Shoving the propaganda into our throats" the entirety of Star Wars is anti-Vietnam war propaganda, according to George Lucas himself

@dbmen I mean, regardless of whether the character is non-binary or not, "they" can be used to refer to a singular person anyway, which certain people seem to forget in this day and age.
