Review by Diego

I was surprised to see a couple of viewers were turned off by the fact that one of the characters was played by Michael Rappaport. Actually, I didn't find that scene off-putting. In fact, I thought it was a pretty good casting choice. After all, we only get to see Knight Titus right before he dies. Rappaport came off as prickly and offensive, which is exactly what that scene called for.

My beef is with the Maximus character. If you didn't know better you'd think that scene and many of them to follow were written by the same people who scripted Amos and Andy. Could that character be any more excruciatingly stereotypical? Nearly every Maximus scene was painful to watch.

I agree with many other commentators: the level of believability was relatively low. But you have to take it all in stride since the heroine, Lucy, is truly clueless.

Actually, the best part of this episode were the character actors, who did a sensational job of selling the premise of Lucy being entirely out of her element. Special Kudos to Dale Dickey who truly stole scenes with her spot on portrayal of the irascible Ma June. That performance alone made the episode worthwhile.

Walton Goggins' character is quite confusing. A bad guy that is not necessarily a bad guy. His performance will be hard to judge until we see him in more episodes.

Moreover, I share the commentator's observations regarding the blatant animal cruelty depicted at the start of this episode. The filmmaker presents it abruptly, without preparing the audience, making it a direct and jarring experience. They could have made the same point in a much more subtle way. So it appears to be an intentional attempt to shock people (probably for ratings).

Overall, this was an uneven episode with scenes that were offensive due to the subject matter or the lack of credibility, combined with portions that contained a couple of stellar performances.

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