Shout by LeNodos

Logan 2017

I would have loved to like this more and still 7/10 isn't a bad rating but there was so little new and such tropes of villains that I just did not enjoy this entirely. Of course the old warrior going into battle one last time, passing on the torch trope works, performances were good and all that melancholy hit home. I also liked that this was less of a superhero movie but very personal and rather grounded. On the flip side it was a bit annoying that everything of importance was so immediately linked to Wolverine. Whilst it would be okay to have him meet his genetic daughter, it is a bit too much for me that an institution trying to raise obedient super soldiers cannot come up with a better idea than cloning Wolverine.
Plus it took me out of it each time these children who were raised in a closed environment with no education by mexican nurses behaved so entirely normal speaking English like a first language. They could have easily taken a page from Stranger Things' Eleven

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