This guy is so unlikeable and so desperately wants to be a victim.

-The r@pe episode - despite the brief clip in that episode, his words were that he wished he could remember what happened. So he doesn't know if he was r@ped or not then?
-him being 'groomed' - he's not an innocent child, and he wasn't trapped in a relationship/marriage. And if the main offence did happen, it seemingly didn't in their initial activity. He made a point of writing in that he shouted 'stop' during the first activity. Despite the guy then saying he'd 'take it slower next time' he neither objected and straightened this out, nor stayed away to ensure it couldn't happen again. This looks more like a success hungry writer/comedian willingly and voluntarily repeatedly jumping back onto the casting couch in the hope of getting ahead of the scores of other struggling writers to get some success.
-the stalker - again not taking responsibility for his actions. There were many points where he could have stopped it progressing but he was seemingly too desparate to take advantage of her and use her to boost his own ego that he made sure she stuck around and paid him the attention and adulation he craved. ...until of course he decided he didn't want it anymore, but he did, and he didn't etc etc.
-then the pity show at the stand up routine. - that might be a great scene and final monologue in a TV show with an exit through the crowd. But there's no chance a comedy crowd would just sit in quiet silence and watch someone break down.
All just unrealistic. Which is fine if this was just a drama. But this is some dude trying to pass this off as a true story.

Just harking back to the 'success hungry' comment above - this element actually does ring true with the way the 'victim' of this 'true story' made sure he played the lead role.
I still wouldn't be surprised if this dude is actually just doing a Blair witch and found a good marketing angle for a story he mostly made up.
The whole thing - the TV series and the 'meta story' all just stink of manipulation of our perception.

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Did you completely zone out during the final monologue? Or are you trying to be obtuse on purpose? Reactions like yours is EXACTLY why people wait years to report sexual abuse or grooming (yes, adults can be groomed), because they didn't "behave correctly". Maybe stop judging and realise his quote on quote "weird" behaviour is a trauma response. Might not seem logical to you, but it's natural to behave erratically when abused.

@mr-natterjack you're actually just stupid as fuck.
