Disney Agenda. Another series ruined.

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@spotty17 Disney do not have any role in the making of Doctor Who. They only stream it.

Look it up dear friend. Here is an article from Inside the magic dot com. https://insidethemagic.net/2024/05/disney-officially-takes-over-doctor-who-zg1/

@spotty17 If you're going to be condescending and try to claim you know something by dropping a source, at least learn to tell the difference between clickbait titles and promotion announcements. It also helps to actually read the article you're sharing.

Nowhere in that article does it confirm what the title says. What it does is take a quote from Davies and take it out of context. When a quote includes paraphrased words like "[Disney is]" that has been added by the writer of the article. It's normally done to convey clarity, but in this case it's been done to change the meaning of the quote.

The original quote is from The Doctor Who magazine: https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a45799095/russell-t-davies-doctor-who-bigger-budget/

And oh look! NO mention of Disney whatsoever! What a surprise.

You have a good a point. - "The BBC's director-general has thanked Disney for ploughing money into Doctor Who and paying for a “flashier” Tardis. The US entertainment giant is now a co-producer of the British sci-fi series and is reportedly funding it to the tune of £100 million, giving each episode a handsome budget." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/12/12/disney-funding-means-doctor-who-flashy-tardis-bbc-director/#:~:text=The%20BBC's%20director%2Dgeneral%20has,each%20episode%20a%20handsome%20budget.@justgeekingby

@spotty17 The tagline of the article literally says "The international entertainment company has reportedly funded the ‘quintessential’ British classic to the tune of £100 million".

I also can't read this because it's behind a pay wall, and since you quoted the exact same thing I'm guessing you can't either.

I found a similar article on Yahoo - https://ca.news.yahoo.com/disney-funding-means-doctor-travel-210000095.html

The actual quote is from Tim Davie, Director-general of the BBC:

"But we’ve got to thank – a lot – our partners, Disney+, who came on board so that the Doctor can travel even more widely across the planet in a slightly flashier Tardis.”

Keywords "can travel even more widely across the planet" referring to the steaming service This is even more apparent by the fact that he specifically names Disney+, the streaming service, not Disney. He's the Director-general of a broadcasting company; he doesn't use the incorrect name of a company/service.

Keep in mind that this is the Director-general of the BBC, and not Davies or anyone directly related to Doctor Who, saying about "a slightly flashier Tardis". I'm guessing he was trying to sound cool and did not realise what he was saying. He was referring to the new Tardis that the new Doctor has, and instead inferred that the partners he had just mentioned were responsible for it, i.e. they funded it.

As a result, Davies had to reassure fans about Disney's involvement (https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a42431637/doctor-who-russell-t-davies-disney-concerns/), when in fact the Director-general of the BBC was just trying to hype up the new series. Sometimes people do read too much into things, especially when they are looking for an excuse. It's also very interesting that Tim Davie mentioned "partners" yet everyone has jumped on "Disney" (ignoring that he mentioned the streaming service, not the production company).

And that's because of clickbait journalism. I saw the articles when they came out. I had the same response until I read them and realised it was just a streaming service. That's why every single article you can produce will have words like "reportedly" and other synonyms because journalists can only speculate. That is all it is, speculation. If they print something that is not fact without these safeguards, they will get sued.

@justgeekingby T 1. Disney has contributed money to keep the series afloat. BBC cant afford to do it alone. 2. That money will and has had "notes" 3. Not click bait. Another series ruined. Enoy it till its gone.

@spotty17 I'll leave you to your delusions and conspiracies.

But one point I want to make is that while I care more about an American company being involved with a British TV show because the American entertainment industry can't stop themselves from Americanising anything, I also have no complaints about the content of the season so far.

There's no agenda, there's just people with small minds.
