It's easy to forget that Princess Bubblegum is about as old as Ooo itself, and these occasional episodes that fill in her backstory are always welcome.

I do wonder how she got her name though. Did she name herself, or did the "mother gum" do it?

Good origin for some of the candy helpers we've seen since the start of the series, and it really plays into her original characterization as a paranoid ruler with a bit of narcissism (perhaps that stems from these events? I'd imagine it'd be a bit traumatizing to have your own creations turn against you).

Honestly, the main flaw Is Gumbald having no set up due to how short the last 2 seasons are. He just kinda shows up, randomly becomes evil after being created, and that's it.

Granted, the Lich does have a similar setup - but it works better due to the time it was given (and it wasn't done after the Lich had been introduced).

But, the pun in the cousin's name adds at least half a star (if you don't know, his name is a pun on "chicle" - which is a type of sap used to make gum. I think it's not used that much anymore though).

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