Shout by Corey

The Innocents 2021


Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Innocents’:

  1. Listen… I didn’t expect a Dumbledore vs. Voldemort battle at the end there, but I was hoping for more than a staring contest. This was shaping up to be an awesome movie, but I thought they supremely dropped the ball in the end. Points lost solely for that.

  2. I gotta give the film credit for doing so much with so little. They didn’t depend on crazy special effects to tell a superpower story. Additional kudos to a young cast who did a spectacular job carrying the film. And props for going places I didn’t expect the plot to go. I could have done without the cat scenes though.

  3. I don’t think they should have given Ida powers. It was an interesting layer that she was the only “normal” one. To reveal her powers at the eleventh hour didn’t serve the story at all.

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