I was in an institution for a year, without cellphones or access to the outside world. It took a while once out (half a year..still adjusting) for me to readjust to the over-stimulation of cellphones (among how much has changed and culture shock and so much news and change at once).

The first thing i kept saying, was that everyone looks like flesh covered robots.

It was jarring. i was so perplexed by it, i would tell my social worker, or anyone i was around. not just in appearances, aesthetics, but how everyone acts. its scary, and odd.

The more i was able to get used to the internet again, i would see people pop up that i used to follow, and to me, its heartbreaking. things that made them beautiful before was gone, they butchered it. more and more people i knew, almost everyone, had changed themselves, lip filler, nose job, boob job, and other cosmetic surgeries. even guys who were the lead singers of punk bands who had unique beautiful faces, changed with cosmetic surgery. i even wondered if he got hit in the face with a shovel and needed reconstructive surgery, because these things to me do not lookkkk good. And more than that, more importantly, i felt like losing people, losing peoples soul, character, identity, human spirit and individuality. it feels tragic

This is the first tv episode (and probably only for a while) i've watched in half a year. i haven't had interest to watch things, and have been in survival mode. but this idea, though i adjusting, sticks with me, and i heard of this episode so wanted to watch it.

Some favourite quotes from the episode:

-Did you find out what's inside of me?
-Yes, indeed. Your general intelligence rating is quite high. Your social adaptability is good. Your powers of reasoning, quite normal.
-Then why can't I make up my own mind? Why are you gonna force me to do something I don't want to do? You can't make me do it, can you?Nobody can make me do it.
-Now, now, my dear child. No one has ever been forced to take transformation if he didn't want it. You see, the problem is simply to discover why you don't want it and then to make the necessary correction.


-How will you know me? I mean, how will anyone know me? I don't wanna look like everyone else. I want to look like me. I'm not gonna let them change me. I won't let them change me.


-is that good? Being like everybody? I mean, isn't that the same as being nobody?


-Your father was a handsome man.
-I know, but he thought about things and he read books. We talked a lot, just the two of us.
-Everybody talks.
-No, I mean about real things, not just about electronic baseball or super soccer and where to buy your clothes or how to fix your hair.
-Is that bad? Liking sports, buying new clothes?
-No, of course, it isn't but there's got to be more to life.


-I cared about him. He was good and he was kind and he cared about me; Not what I wore, not the way I looked but what I thought, what I felt. What's more important, he cared about himself and his dignity as a human being. Valerie, he didn't die in the Ganymede incident. My father k*lled himself Because when they took away his identity, he had no reason to go on living.
- I just don't understand you, Marilyn.
-Can't you feel anything?
-Well, of course, silly. I feel... I feel good. I always feel good. "life is pretty, life is fun I am all and all is one."
-you can't understand, can you? Oh. They can't understand

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