Edmure Tully. From M's secretary at MI6 to Riverrun in only seven years; not bad.

I love the Hot Pie redemption arc; he goes from lying about being a tough guy when trying to steal Arya's sword to genuinely caring for Arya and Gendry after all the heinous shit they'd been through together.

The Lannisters looked so much alike that the show got away with having the same actor play two different Lannisters lol. Granted, reusing Dean-Charles Chapman was fine considering Martyn was about to die anyway.

Tyrion and Bronn being so dumbfounded that Podrick was so good with Littlefinger's girls that they refused payment is my favorite bit of trivia about Podrick; the two of them -- who've spent countless amounts of money on prostitutes -- acting like they'd just discovered the "Sex Bible" from American Pie makes it all the better.

Aaaand, then all the funny dies once we're back on Theon and Ramsay. God, I remember reading unsubtle allusions about what a sadistic bastard Ramsay was,, but I was not prepared for how understated those claims actually were.

"You little bastard."

If "bastard" hadn't been such an overused insult in the show, it probably would've been obvious that Ramsay was "his bastard" Roose Bolton kept referring to.

Jaime finally finding his humanity again after decades of being a cocky, relentless, bloodthirsty psychopath is such a great moment, but of course, his lie about how much Brienne's father would ransom her for had unintended consequences down the road. Still, his heart was in the right place at least....unlike his hand a few minutes later. Sorry, Jaime, it was right there, I had to take it.

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