Review by FLY

Well, the subject is a bit original, the story a lot less. The two line summary is enough to guess the twist and about everything goes down exactly like you would expect.

Of course they're expected to sacrifice one of them. Of course they'll do it in the end. Of course it won't be the kid and it will be because one is willing. Of course they will wait for the last minute.

A lot of stuff could have been exploited to make it more original/interesting.
- Number one the fact that they had past dealings with one of them could have been expanded and they'd slowly realize that they all have common history with the family.
- What if the prophets resist and do do what's expecting of them ? They don't even entertain it.
- Would have been a bit better if they had not done it, or even better done it too late
- Or what if it turned out to actually be a hoax ?
- All of the signs except the last one are pretty unconvincing since, at it is pointed out, they started before. While the last one is crazy enough to be believable, what a bore ! Mix it, make them entertain the idea that it is real sooner !

Would have appreciated a bit more of apocalypse stuff too.

It's not too bad though. Bautista is really good there and almost carrying it all by himself. Which I certainly didn't expect. Can't say he's bad in what I've seen him in, but wouldn't have bet on him as an actor to carry an actual movie. Andrew is a bit annoying though. I kinda understand the appeal of a character that is like "the world can burn if we're not together", but the justification that "the world hates us" is so shitty. Dude, the world is also full of people just like you !

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