Review by Digital Phreaker

Hannibal: Season 1

1x03 Potage

For everyone annoyed by Freddie Lounds...welcome to the enter point of the character's original creation by Thomas Harris in the early 80s. The character is supposed to be a detestable person who sometimes mirrors the behaviors of the serial killers being hunted by Will; just without the whole murder aspect. The character stalks their subjects a lot like how some of the early serial killers in the Harris novels turn into voyeurs before making their kills. Freddie and the male versions of the character in the books is supposed to be the contemptible voyeur who works as a less-murderous antagonist impeding the investigations.

Hannibal barely betraying a physical reaction to Will almost glowingly praising the Hobbs copycat is just...*chef's kiss*.

Will: There was plenty wrong with your father, Abigail, but there's nothing wrong with you. You say he was loving, I believe it. That's what you brought out in him.

That's a classic Will Graham moment right there. "You didn't draw a freak, okay? You drew a man with a freak on his back. There was plenty wrong with Dolarhyde, but there's nothing wrong with you."

And now the truth is out between Abigail and Hannibal. Well, I'm pretty sure he always knew her participation in her father's crimes, but it took Hannibal's risk for her to finally realize he was the one who warned her father.

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