Oh, God, the revelation that Talisa is pregnant is such a wonderful moment between her and Robb, but this scene is always my reminder that the Red Wedding is only a couple episodes away.

Orell finally goes full incel after making his bitterness already very clear beforehand.

Even though Margaery and her grandmother are manipulating Sansa, and Olenna knows Sansa and Tyrion will be blamed for her soon-to-transpire "plot", I do think that Margaery really did have Sansa's best intentions at heart. Sure, it's very likely Margaery was aware of Olenna and Littlefinger's "plot", but she was so good at "the game" that even if she didn't have Sana's best intentions at heart, she played it very convincingly.

Bronn: You waste time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead man in town.

Speaking of knowing "the game", a low-born mercenary like Bronn really understood how the highborns played their game of thrones after fighting for or against them for so long.

Bronn: You pay me to kill people who bother you. The evil notions come free.

It's scenes like this that made Bronn such a fun character, even if he was as morally bankrupt as most of the worst bastards on this show.

Tywin pulling a Bane on Joffrey, having zero patience for that little shit's inflated sense of self, is so damn satisfying. And it's one of the few times that "unleashed mad dog in a crown", to steal Tyrion's apt analogy, actually looks intimidated while he's sitting on the Throne. "We could arrange to have you carried [to the Tower of the Hand]." is just like Band asking, "Do you feel in charge now?"

While Tywin's argument about how tiny the last dragons were was logically sound, since he and almost no one else outside of Essos had any idea how Dany's dragons were born, and what the arrival of dragons in the world had done for "magical" people since, his point turned out to be a very poor dismissal of "curiosities on the far side of the world". He likely already knew that Dany had a massive army of Unsullied, but it was wise of him not to mention it to that moronic, blood-thirsty little shit of a king who'd probably order a full invasion of Essos to prove his strength couldn't be tested.

And now comes one of my favorite moments of this episode: Dany being so unimpressed by the slaver's grandiosity that she straight up Jim's the camera like she was in The Office.

Arya: He's not my one true god.

Beric: No? Who's yours?

Arya: Death.

Somewhere in the Braavosi equivalent of the afterlife, Syrio Forel smiled and said, "Attaboy!"

Boy, you really can't blame Arya for being so disillusioned with the Brotherhood. Even though I do believe Beric had her best intentions at heart, they'd pulled the rug out from under her about four times by now, and she'd had way too many experiences in the last two years to make her more trusting than before. And now begins "The Wolf and the Hound", which thankfully isn't nearly as fucking heartbreaking as The Fox and the Hound.

Jaime: Lord Bolton's leaving tomorrow as well. He's going to the Twins for Edmure Tully's wedding.

Even though I knew what was coming, since I'd finally finished A Storm of Swords by the time season three began, Jaime letting Brienne know she'd be left to fend herself against Locke wasn't the thing that made my heart drop. It was Bolton leaving for the Twins for the wedding. Yeah, in that chapter, Cat doesn't realize it's Roose who'd killed Robb, but everything I'd read on the internet after finishing that chapter confirmed it was him. Roose Bolton leaving for the wedding had even more ominous implications than Brienne being left behind as a play thing for Locke. Who I think was also killed during the Red Wedding in the book.

Regardless of all that though, this really is such a wonderful moment between Jaime and Brienne. Jaime swears to uphold Brienne's original oath in order to secure the release of of Sansa and Arya, even though no one yet knew Arya was far from King's Landing. And Brienne calls him Ser Jaime as a sign of respect after having nothing but contempt for him for being The Kingslayer.

Bolton: You will give my regards to Lord Tywin, I trust.

Jaime: Absolutely. Just not the same way you give our regards to Robb Stark.

The fucking CIA could learn a thing or two about the psychological and physical torture Theon endured at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Sorry, Roose. Snow, he's still a Snow.

The chemistry Kit Harington and Rose Leslie have is insane. It's no wonder they got married a year before the series ended.

Osha: What's he on about? And why does he get to sit and chat while we do all the work?

Hodor: ...Hodor.

I never noticed how Kristian Nairn moved his eyes side to side like the answer was almost too obvious even for Hodor.

Jaime jumping into the pen is such a wonderful moment, but the look on his face when he realizes what he's just done will forever remind me of Ron Burgundy's immortal words: "I immediately regret this decision!"


I love that Little Bart the Bear got his credit. He may not have been as prolific an animal actor as his namesake, but he still had a pretty decent filmography for his 21 years of life. And it reminds me that I could never feel safe as an actor wrestling with a real bear no matter how well trained it is.

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