Review by Digital Phreaker

Game of Thrones: Season 3

3x10 Mhysa

"Here comes the King in the North!"

It's no wonder why Arya goes full rat cook the the next time she's back at the Twins.

Sansa: You're a Lannister. I'm the disgraced daughter of the traitor Ned Stark.

Tyrion: The disgraced daughter and the Demon Monkey. We're perfect for each other.

Might be the first time I've seen a Lannister make Sansa laugh since her father's execution.

All the women giggling when Podrick passes proves that word travels fast, regardless if the source is three of Littlefinger's "girls".

Joffrey's evil grin and practically bouncing with excitement leads to one of my favorite Tyrion lines when addressing him: "Killed a few puppies today?"

Tyrion: Sansa is no longer yours to torment.

Joffrey: Everyone is mine to torment. You'd do well to remember that, you little monster.

Tyrion: Oh, I'm a monster? Perhaps you should speak to me more softly, then. Monsters are dangerous, and just now, kings are dying like flies.

Tyrion was a master of making very unambiguous threats that would come back to haunt him later, but goddamn if he didn't know exactly when to drop them.

Joffrey: I am the King! I will punish you.

Tywin: Any man who must say, "I am the King" is no true king. I'll make sure you understand that when I've won your war for you.

Welp, very little doubt where Tyrion picked up his ability to know how and when to drop those threats.

Joffrey: My father won the real war! He killed Prince Rhaegar! He took the crown while you hid under Casterly Rock!

The look on Joffrey's face when he realizes what he just said is almost as priceless as everyone else's reaction to thinking, "Daaaaaaaaaamn!"

Tywin: The king is tired, see him to his chambers. Grand Maester, perhaps some essence of nightshade to help him sleep.

Joffrey: I am not tired!

Tyrion: You just sent the most powerful man in Westeros to bed without his supper.

Tywin: You're a fool if you believe he's the most powerful man in Westeros.

Good, the secret's out that the one who's been torturing Theon is Bolton's bastard, Ramsay. No more spoiler tagging his name anymore.

And now Theon has his new name. The most disturbing part is that this wasn't Ramsay's first "Reek". Can't remember if it's ever mentioned on the show, but there's a bunch of details about it in the books; Ramsay'd been perfecting this method of breaking a person so completely that they'll eventually become so unquestionably loyal to him that they'll be terrified of disobeying him or trying to escape. Hands down one of the most evil fictional characters since 1998.

Sam and Bran talking face to face. It's like when an old friend from high school randomly knows someone you work with in an entirely different state; when worlds collide. After everything Sam had seen North of the Wall, and all the things that were supposed to be myths turned out to be real, I still kinda can't blame him for thinking Bran's quest in the North was a fool's errand. He says it himself, "I got lucky", and even Sam knows there's almost no logical reason for him, the coward, to be the first back at the Wall after the massacre at Craster's Keep. A crippled boy, a brain-damaged gentle giant, and two other teenagers willingly walking into that frozen hellscape of terrors was probably a bridge too far for someone as logical and well-read as Sam.

Varys makes a rare miscalculation here. He didn't really know Shae as much as he thought he did, and if he'd ever heard some of her rants toward Tyrion, he'd know this would insult Shae enough to do something drastic. And that something drastic may have begun right after this moment: becoming Twyin's spy/lover, because she naturally assumed it was Tyrion who sent Varys to pay her off to get her to leave. Her "testimony" next season is one of the most brutal moments of this show that involved zero bloodshed.

Another amazing moment of Tyrion and Cersei speaking openly. Especially Cersei, who is a lot more emotionally vulnerable in front of Tyrion than usual; talking about only having infant Joffrey when she was originally so miserable in her early married life with Robert is one of the very few times on this show when she actually behaves like a human.

Arya's transition into a clever assassin was seamless. And using the Braavosi coin Jaqen gave her as a distraction was the cherry on top. Even the fucking Hound didn't see that coming.

Rose Leslie was fucking phenomenal in that moment. Barely said three lines and let her face do all the real work. When Jon says, "I know I love you", you can see how much that fucking hurt her without having to say a single word.

"His name is Sam." Gilly, baby, read the room LMAO. Granted, she probably had no idea of the Night's Watch's vows like Ygritte did, so Gilly had no idea just how poorly timed that name reveal was.

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