Shout by Reiko LJ

Devs: Season 1

1x08 Episode 8

Tbh this didn't tread any ground that hasn't been covered before. It just sprinkled some religion in there too and was about 4 episodes too long. Still think the acting and dialogue was poor too.

When you get into simulation theory I think Root said it best:
"Schrödinger said, at its base level, the universe isn't made up of physical matter, just shapes. A shape, you know, nothing firm. What it means is that the real world is essentially a simulation anyway. I like that idea-that even if we're not real that we represent a dynamic. A tiny finger tracing a line in the infinite-a shape. And, then we're gone. Listen, all l'm saying, is that if we're just information, just noise in the system, then we might as well be a symphony."

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@reiko_lj Man, you totally left me guessing with that quote. I kept asking myself, "Root? Root who? The only 'Root' I know is that nutbag Wayne Allyn Root who was on the Libertarian presidential ticket back in the day." Except I knew it couldn't be him that you were quoting; it was way too thoughtful and reflective.

For those who find themselves similarly confused, go here:

@roguescholar ah yeah sorry bud. I should have said Root from Person of Interest. A show very much worth people's time to check out!
