Nope that’s it, can’t do it any more… I hung on in there through the whole Jodie Whitaker debacle hoping the series would be better. The bar was so low after the previous couple of seasons but somehow it slipped under.

Sadly, I guess my DW days are done.

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@amourgirl1 Not sure if you're still watching but it actually gets better after this. For me anyway this episode was the worst and the rest of it starts to get better.

@possamai I did try a couple more, but being a fan 2 things annoyed me. One the fact he has cried in almost every episode - what’s that about and 2nd the kiss.. it’s takes a lot for the doctor to get romantically involved with someone. Look how long it took before he kissed Rose but on the first encounter with the bounty hunter he kissed him. It’s not in keeping with his personality.

Now that said… although the character of the doctor feels off, the actual episodes do feel like the days of bad wolf are back.

I just wish they would let me do the casting and wish they would remind themselves how complicated the doctor is.

I didn’t watch it this week, I removed from my playlist but do you still think I should give it another go?

My son wants me to take him to the cinema to see the Finale. So I guess realistically I should persevere.


It’s not in keeping with his personality

Well, with every regeneration his appearance changes but also his entire personality so I guess it's possible to become this personality.. But yeah it does feel very forced to hop on the lhbtqwertyabcdefg bandwagon this season..

I liked the latest episode.. finally something big going on. He does cry again though so that's still a recurring pattern..
