Review by Bunny Harvestman

I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020

I didn’t think I was going to write a review for this one, but the more I read other reviews, the more I thought, what the hell heck. Because I found myself agreeing with both those who hated the movie and those who loved it. I really didn’t like it but I wouldn’t feel right only shitting on it.

If I were to try and sum up what I did like most about this movie, as far as relatability goes anyway, it would be the existential crisis. Bits and pieces of the dialogue were compelling, mostly because of this, but buried in too much of it entirely. It became tedious work to pay attention and not just zone out. This is why I could never put myself through it again, no matter how much more sense it’d make upon a second viewing or how many new and interesting details I could catch. This is true of most any movie, especially when being told how to view it and what to look for. It’s what most of us would call a combination of hindsight and Google search.

It’s what I think is the most frustrating thing about this film, is that for those of us who haven’t read the book, we would have been better off to either read the explanations beforehand or not to have watched at all. That’s a pretty large issue for a large amount of people.

Originally, I said to my boyfriend that Toni Collette’s performance was at least one of my 2 stars, but I don’t know if that’s entirely accurate after gaining an overall better understanding through a few articles and many other viewers. I still don’t think I’ll be raising my rating, although maybe the 2nd star can be both for the thrill of watching Toni do something new and unexpected (to me) and the appreciation I have for what the story is meant to be.

I don’t appreciate it as it is. As much as I don’t want to call it so, it does come off as pretentious and it is unfortunate that it wasn’t made for more of us, because I firmly feel like it could have been tweaked to work for both those who already love it and those who can’t stand it. And if one can do so, why wouldn’t they? Nobody is elite here, we’re just different. Why ostracize part of your audience?

“It's good to remind yourself the world's larger than the inside of your own head.”

The Brrrs that nobody even bothered to eat in this made me really crave a Blizzard or an Oreo McFlurry, which was really rude since I really shouldn’t be having the sugar. I had a McDonald’s vanilla cone. Shhh, please don’t tell.

I very much liked the performance of the song “Lonely Room” towards the end, but because it felt so random and out of place in relation to the rest of the film by that point, with us anxious for the movie to conclude already, I don’t think I fully enjoyed it in the moment.

In the trivia, IMDb says there is a post credits scene. That is not what was after the credits by any stretch of the definition, I assure you.

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