How could someone have collected, watched and rated the Episode 04X01 if it hasn't even been leaked yet and much less released? This shout is directed to all those Tratk users with back to the future gizmos. Please share the schematics, we also want to time travel.

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it could be people who worked on it...

I had not thought about that possibility (insiders using trakt as a promotion tool). It would not be a bad idea if they were able to think outside the box, which I don't doubt there must be more than a few people in the entertainment industry capable of thinking differently.

It could perfectly be... and if so I would dare to ask them to be generous in three ways:

I) financially by anonymously or otherwise furthering their support, either through donations or the acquisition of services, of the project's running cost and those from arising from its continued enhancement through the development of new features, refining of the base code and the improvement of cloud infrastructure,

II) but otherwise refrain to either purchase the site or otherwise influence in its management, and also

III) if they are somewhere out there if they could somehow, anonymously or otherwise, tease us further a little on why they think that TV Series or Movie is going to be that good without spoiling it ;-) while trying to be as objective a subject can be.

Yes, I know how you are going to say a project you are or have been involved is simply not even worth the flash memory where it was recorded. Most times is wiser to simply just say nothing than risk destroying your credibility and the trust built by embellishing reality when an objective opinion is expected.

730 votes with 684 plays is kinda weird. Possibly some people vote that watches the show without scrobbling, but still weird. I thought that most people that uses trakt will use it to keep track of their shows, that's the whole purpose of this site.
