Review by Digital Phreaker

Game of Thrones: Season 4

4x07 Mockingbird

Tyrion's learning some hard lessons that just because you're paying someone to be close to you doesn't mean they're always gonna be willing to risk their lives for you. Bronn did it once, yes, but that was back when it was advantageous for him to save and befriend Tyrion. Shae...well, that's a lot more complicated.

Sandor: The pain was bad, the smell was worse. But the worst part was that it was my brother who did it. My father, who protected him, told everyone my bedding caught fire. You think you're on your own?

It's moments like these that made this show so great. These monstrous characters who only knew brutality and murder stripped of all their armor -- literally and figuratively -- showing some of the humanity behind the name and ferocity. Sandor Clegane was not a good person, but there was so much more to him than being the giant asshole with a burnt face. And Arya started to realize this the more she learned about him; she still wanted him dead, but the hate that drove her was lessened by realizing he wasn't just the brutal swordsman in the hound helm.

Hot Pie, Brienne, and Podrick all talking together at the same inn where most of the Starks' issues with the Lannisters hit their boiling point. Still surreal to see.

"Your not interesting enough to be offensive." Damn, Brienne!

Oberyn's story about meeting Tyrion for the first time is so fucking heartbreaking. Tyrion, still an infant, being blamed for killing his mother during his birth and remorselessly abused by Cersei; it's a fucking miracle he turned out so relatively well-adjusted considering the environment he grew up in.

Tyrion: Well, sooner or later, Cersei always gets what she wants.

Oberyn: And what about what I want? Justice for my sister and her children.

Tyrion: If you want justice, you've come to the wrong place.

Oberyn: I disagree. I've come to the perfect place. I want to bring those who have wrong med to justice, and all those who have wrong me are right here. I will begin with Ser Gregor Clegane, who killed my sister's children and then raped her with their blood still on his hands before killing her, too. I will be your champion.

Fuck, this moment couldn't have been more perfectly established across the season. And I love that Tywin wound up inadvertently keeping his promise to Oberyn if Oberyn served as a judge; the Viper finally gets to have his moment with the Mountain.

From being promised to a cruel, spoiled, sadist to being promised to a spoiled mama's boy. Sansa has no luck in the arranged marriage lottery, and it's about to get so much worse that Joffrey and Robin will seem like puppies in comparison, because as Little finger says: "A lot can happen between now and never."

I used to think it was exceptionally stupid of Baelish to make that move right in the open like that, because Aunt Norma Bates clearly saw it. Then it became clear that he wanted her to see it so she'd overreact exactly the way she's about to. Make her so exceptionally jealous that she contemplates making Sansa "fly" so that he can make Lysa "fly" instead.

"I have only loved one woman, only one, my entire life. Your sister." Fuckin' cold as ice!

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