Review by Kiba Snowpaw

How to Train Your Dragon 2010

How to Train Your Dragon Review: A Deep Dive from HowlStrom's Ice Wolf Alpha


HowlStrom, a land shrouded in eternal winter, rarely offers warmth, but DreamWorks' "How to Train Your Dragon" managed to melt even the iciest of hearts. This cinematic gem, directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, is not just a movie; it's a phenomenon that has captivated audiences worldwide, transcending age and genre barriers. As a seasoned movie aficionado and alpha ice wolf with 37+ winters under my belt, I, Kiba Snowpaw, present an in-depth analysis of this animated masterpiece.

Basic Plot Summary

The movie transports us to the Viking village of Berk, where young Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, voiced by Jay Baruchel, lives under the shadow of his formidable father, Stoick the Vast (Gerard Butler). Berk is plagued by dragon attacks, and Hiccup, eager to prove himself, injures a rare Night Fury dragon, only to form an unlikely bond with it. Naming the dragon Toothless, Hiccup discovers that dragons are not the mindless beasts the Vikings believe them to be. Together, they embark on a journey of friendship and understanding, challenging the very foundation of their world.


"How to Train Your Dragon" stands out in the crowded field of animated films for its originality. While many movies depict human-animal friendships, the nuanced relationship between Hiccup and Toothless is portrayed with depth and sincerity rarely seen in animation. The film's approach to dragon mythology is both fresh and inventive, blending elements of fantasy with Viking lore seamlessly.

The Studio

DreamWorks Animation, the powerhouse behind this film, has a storied history of hits like "Shrek" and "Kung Fu Panda." With "How to Train Your Dragon," they pushed the boundaries of animation, employing the talents of renowned cinematographer Roger Deakins as a visual consultant. This collaboration ensured a stunning visual experience, enhancing the film's storytelling with breathtaking imagery and immersive flight sequences.


Character Development

Main Characters

  • Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Hiccup's arc from a clumsy outcast to a courageous hero is both compelling and relatable. His journey is marked by self-discovery and bravery, making him an inspiring protagonist.
  • Toothless: The silent yet expressive Night Fury is a marvel of animation. Toothless' evolution from a feared dragon to a loyal companion is heartwarming and adds emotional depth to the story.

Supporting Characters

  • Stoick the Vast: Stoick embodies the traditional Viking warrior but evolves as he learns to accept and love his son for who he is.
  • Astrid Hofferson (America Ferrera): Initially skeptical of Hiccup, Astrid's transformation into a staunch ally adds a layer of romantic tension and mutual respect.

Character Arcs and Relatability

Each character's growth is meticulously crafted, making their arcs believable and engaging. The father-son dynamic, the burgeoning romance, and the camaraderie among the dragon riders resonate deeply, providing multiple points of connection for the audience.


The film's structure is well-balanced, combining action, humor, and heartfelt moments. The pacing ensures that there's never a dull moment, with each scene building towards a satisfying climax. The narrative seamlessly integrates character development with plot progression, maintaining a cohesive and engaging story.


"How to Train Your Dragon" has left a lasting impact on both audiences and the animation industry. Its success spawned two sequels and a television series, expanding its universe and exploring deeper themes. The film's anti-war message, emphasizing understanding and empathy over conflict, is particularly poignant and relevant.

Hook and Thesis

From its visually stunning opening sequence to the emotionally charged climax, the film hooks viewers with its captivating story and rich character dynamics. The thesis of the film, that understanding and compassion can bridge even the deepest divides, is powerfully conveyed through the bond between Hiccup and Toothless.

Praise and Critique


  • Animation: The animation is top-notch, with fluid movements and intricate details that bring the world of Berk to life.
  • Voice Acting: The voice cast delivers stellar performances, infusing their characters with personality and emotion.
  • Score: John Powell's musical score is a masterpiece, enhancing the film's emotional depth and epic scope.


  • Pacing in Middle Act: The middle act occasionally feels a bit slow, as it focuses on Hiccup's training sessions, but these moments are crucial for character development.

Personal Opinion


As a longtime fan of animated films, "How to Train Your Dragon" ranks among my favorites. Its blend of humor, heart, and adventure makes it a timeless classic.

Highlights and Drawbacks

- The bond between Hiccup and Toothless.
- The stunning aerial sequences.
- The heartfelt and impactful storyline.

- Minor pacing issues in the middle act.


DreamWorks Animation has crafted a film that excels in every aspect, from storytelling to technical execution. "How to Train Your Dragon" is not just an animated film; it's a cinematic experience that leaves a lasting impression.


Similar Movies:
- "The Lion King": Both films explore themes of self-discovery and the bond between different species.
- "Kung Fu Panda": Another DreamWorks hit, featuring an underdog protagonist who rises to greatness through unexpected means.


"How to Train Your Dragon" is a triumph of animation and storytelling. Its rich characters, stunning visuals, and powerful themes make it a must-watch for audiences of all ages. As Kiba Snowpaw, an ice wolf from the icy realm of HowlStrom, I wholeheartedly recommend this film. Whether you're a seasoned movie buff or a casual viewer, "How to Train Your Dragon" offers an unforgettable journey that will warm your heart, even in the coldest of winters.

In the vast landscape of animated films, "How to Train Your Dragon" soars high above the rest, proving that with a bit of understanding and a lot of heart, even the most unlikely friendships can change the world.

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