Best episode so far!! So mysterious and beautiful, just wish we knew what she told people but maybe it's better to leave it to our imagination!

How will the prime minister be stopped now tho?

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@walkingkev my take on this (and this could be a heavy spoiler, but it is just some my thinking based on what happens in this episode alone) is:

These events happen in a sort of bubble timeline, as Kate from Unit mentions it being a suspended timeline of sorts. The PM is Mad Jack, and he only exists in that bubble timeline, where the circle was broken and he somehow could enter the stage. In the Main timeline, the circle was not broken, so there will be no PM Jack.

Unless this is all some subterfuge to fake us out, and the circle was not a lock/portal to that bubble timeline at all. Maybe it was a memorial for that timeline from a mysterious third party? Or something to do with the perception filter, and/or powers from another 'follower' enemy we have yet to meet.

The doctor does still mention the PM in the revised main timeline, even though Ruby did change her visit number to Wales answer from 2 to 3 times just before that. This could mean the PM still exists in main, but the question is then who or what the Mad Jack in the circle is referring to. It makes it at least clear that the bubble timeline can also influences events at a time before the breaking of the circle, but it is unclear how much of influence it has on the 'main' timeline as a whole.

But i am betting whatever old Ruby is 'telling' people will be connected or also true for Ruby Main.
