Review by Ward

Nina doesn't make sense to be an enemy. It's supposed to be a big twist at the end, but it doesn't make sense at all except for that one thing at the beginning if you were still paying attention, that of her console doing that one bad thing, which didn't really make sense in itself since she was away at the time, and why would she use her own console? I guess she could have used remote access to that console to do the bad thing at the time, but still, why use your own console for that? And it wasn't even that major of a thing. And if she recruited Jamie then why didn't Jamie say anything? And Nina has also been an extremely strong ally to Bauer throughout the whole season and almost died for him multiple times, yet she's still loyal to the Slovakians even though she was going to die multiple times inadvertantly due to their plans and jack's saved her multiple times? Makes no sense at all except to do a last minute twist. I'm rewatching the show so i knew she was a villain from the start, and yeah it's not built up well at all. She could have done so many things to stop Bauer and his family or help the villain's mission and yet she didn't. I guess it's all explained that she was supposed to stay as a plant in CTU. Whatever. Still a good episode overall with Bauer and Palmer and Kim escapaing, even though before it was annoying with her being captured again.

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