The clones thing makes no sense by even the wildest stretch of imagination. Like, sure, maybe you could do a bit of genetic manipulation to ensure male and female clones. But what about achieving the same exact skin tone, or hair texture, or tone of voice or even eye color. How do you plan for that when you don't even know who your clones will have to be turned into? Hair dye, plastic surgery and colored contacts would never be enough to make a person into the spitting image of someone else.

What if one of the kids was very proficient at playing an instrument? Or fluent in two or more languages? Those aren't things that can be achieved in a few months.

There are so many things about a person that can't be manipulated or faked. It's so nonsensical and unrealistic.

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@abtr So much worse than that. In theory if you have the genetic control to ensure the sex you wanted. You could maybe use that genetic control to throw in some melanin and control skin and eye color and maybe even hair texture. Honestly at that point there's no reason not to just clone your targets but that's a whole different thing.

But the premise here is that he already had clones of himself and then using the most brilliant plastic surgery procedures possible turned each of his teenaged clones into the targets. They mentioned things like bone shaping to get the structures and height right. That means he took a teenaged clone of himself and then using "the procedure" turned it into a visually undetectable clone of Sasha as an example.

What if one of the kids was very proficient at playing an instrument? Or fluent in two or more languages? Those aren't things that can be achieved in a few months.

Ironically this isn't as big a deal in this situation. They specifically select targets and presumably it's not JUST the wealth factor but the imitation factor. So a well behaved child that knows 6 languages and is a concert cellist isn't likely to be selected. Kyra was a loner hacker, Parker as a social media wannabe screw up. James was an anarchist rebel. Sure based on her accent Sasha spoke French but the plan was in motion for years. We don't know how long they had selected targets. It's unlikely but it's possible some like Sasha they had their eye one for a long time. But special skills... they don't have. But they don't need because the only people who would notice those missing skills is family and the show already demonstrated that the family was very good at noticing their kids weren't their kids and the program would just have the family killed. So maybe Sasha spoke French at home and English in public as many people do. But once the family is dead a strong French accent is more than enough to get started and the clone and duo lingo while they grow into power.
