8 Episodes is NOT a season

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@psymann A lot of BBC shows have short seasons. For example: All four of Sherlock's seasons only had 3 episodes!

@katwaterflame I don't even consider those seasons, just a miniseries, with each episode being a movie

@psymann FUN FACT: A season is whatever the creator of a show decides is a season. Get bent, crybaby.

@morphinapg You might not consider them seasons, but they are. That's just a fact.

@j_dub89 There is no reason to be rude. Even when you're right. Especially when you're right.

@psymann FACTIER FACT: 8 episodes is a season, just not a very long one.

Even I, who grew up with shows that ran 24~26 episodes a season, don't mind shorter seasons because I think it prevents the writers from feeling the need to pad things or make episodes that don't matter to the overarching storyline. In the age of streaming, there is no need to adhere to time slots or network scheduling, and that allows each show and each episode to be exactly as long as it needs to be.

Did that help this season of Doctor Who? I don't think it did. But still...
