Ugh, this episode sucked. I'm really not enjoying this series so far. The pseudo-science about memories in this one was way too unbelievable and badly handled. It's also one of those episodes that only thinks to start foreshadowing something just before it happens (e.g. Mai's flashback to when she was a kid, just before she happens to meet them again). Even KyoAni's normally above-average direction and visual prowess aren't enough to make this one engaging, it seems. If this was done by any run-of-the-mill studio nobody would bother watching it.

It doesn't help that thus far, none of the characters have been particularly likable or show any level of character depth. Really, the only thing this series has going for it is the fanservice and that's not really enough. One more dud episode and I think this one is dropped.

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3 replies

As long as KyoAni brings us a great adaptation of Koe no Katachi and Hibike Season 2 this year, I will tolerate this show.


OPReply by ManiacB

@deanzel Oh yeah, I still have faith in KyoAni, and I'm looking forward to Hibike S2, just very disappointed in this.

Reply by sp1ti

I really hope the loli ends up killing the main cast (or at least Reina) to spice things up \o/. From what is around from the second book ( I highly doubt that they're going to get an elegant turn to a "proper" story.
