Review by Deleted

MR ROBOT is sweeping up all the important awards ( Best drama, best actors) and well deserved! A risk taking show that is authentic in its depiction of hackers and our Wall street over reaching monopolies. Mr. Robot is more then just a hacker cybery drama because at its core it's an emotionally charged thriller that is relevent and questions many of American corrupt values and powers. It sets up a complex lead character who is a self isolated but genius hacker that is a product of American's ever more growing nihlistic generation sped food brands and spectacle without any intrinsic value for soul or conscious. And here we have Elliot's heart that guides us through the story archs through an intimate first person voice or rather internal mind. This is a extraordinary way to tell us a story within the mind of this troubled soul who seeks real meaning through his own self dillusions and a tempting opportunity to use his skills that can potentionally change the world and threaten the powers whom often hide behind their towers of wealth. Mr. Robot excells at is presenting our technoligically complex world and intersecting it where it is most threated by. In this case people like Elliot, just as American's own historrical anti heros and rebels took action to stop the tyranny and liberate its citizens. Thank you USA NETWORKS for taking a risk on this groundbreaking new TV show!

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