Yes yes yes, men are the worst. They only want to fight and fight. No one wants a woman on the throne yes, please tell me one more time.

Don’t get me wrong there is a great setup to get powerful female characters here and I love them. But it is annoying to keep throwing it in like this. Shouldn’t be that hard to keep it in and just tell the story. Social politics everywhere nowadays.

Oh and why can’t a woman be evil?

In better words:

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It must be exhausting, being you.

@zeepsop Don't know what show you're watching, but GoT and HoTD both have no dearth of evil powerful women

“Throwing it in like this” mate that’s the entire story. But I agree with you partly in that I’m really wanting a bloodthirsty female character. Hoping either Rhaenyra or Alicent get to it.
