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Challengers 2024

I get it. I've seen the reviews that said that this movie left a lot more on the table and could have been more this or that. I don't disagree with those sentiments. But all that aside, I had a ton of fun watching this movie, and I had no right to have this much fun. This movie got away with two things that are often a no-no in my book: extended sports scenes, and time jumps in the story. The time jumps are often performed to make a story more dramatic than it really is, but in this case, the jumps completely worked. I especially enjoyed the investigation of the psyche of the various characters. In particular, the dominance on display in Zendaya's character. I thought it was fascinating to see her have a stronger will than her partner, only to be called out later as really playing it safe for having a partner that is rather submissive. For me, this was the heart of the movie. It also made it that much more maddening that people's takeaway from the movie was "who won the final match?".

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