9.5/10. Pretty stellar, from the non-linear editing to intersperse the guys and the girls, to the heart-to-heart between Robin and Victoria that cut through the hostility, to Ted and Victoria resolving her fellowship in a way that felt very real. One of the great things about this show is that as ridiculous and cartoonish as it gets sometimes, (and in the early seasons when it gets the balance right, that's a feature not a bug), it grounds its best stories and relationships in emotional truth. Robin's dislike for Victoria gets a little broad, but then they have a very real moment where they open up to each other and have an honest, self-reflective conversation about feminism and romance and work that feels true-to-life, and the episode nails the pivot.

At the same time, while a romantic partner having to go overseas for a job at the height of a relationship feels like something of a cliche sitcom conflict (see also: Ross and Emily on Friends), the way the show depicts Ted and Victoria struggling with the decision has the ring of truth to it even in the midst of pet store tailors and cake-covered wedding dresses. Those moments, and the chemistry between Ted and Victoria, ground amidst its broader elements, and give it the power to amuse without feeling like empty calories. It's an impressive balancing act.

(Oh, and on rewatch, I find that I'm not only so much Team Victoria with the way she bonds with the group and seems so good natured, but I may even feel like she's too good for Ted.)

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