Review by Bronson

Blood Sick Psychosis 2022

After seeing A Corpse for Christmas (2023), I wanted to check out more from Brewce Longo.
Sadly, Blood Sick Psychosis is a total mess. The synopsis for the movie is not an accurate description of what happens.
There is barely any plot to speak of. We follow Pacey, who has... problems. Never really clear about what his issues are. Doesn't matter, I suppose. The movie lazily weaves around his life as he goes to a metal show, kills a plush cat, and hangs out with friends.
For a moment, it seems as if he is going to push the plot forward with Ally - played by the utterly beautiful Sadie Mae Gutz - but that goes nowhere. Later, the movie remembers that it's almost over and would do best to try to be interesting, so Pacey goes on a brief killing spree with Reb. Then the movie just ends. There are two mid-credit scenes, and a post-credit scene, but nothing worth seeing.
The major problem here is that the film drags its feet the entire time and lingers on moments that don't go anywhere, like watching a black-metal band play most of a song. It's a good song, and the rest of the music within is nice, but I need a worthwhile story in there too.
I would not recommend this to anyone, just give it a big skip, go see A Corpse for Christmas instead. The only reason I gave this a five is because of Sadie Mae Gutz, she really needed a bigger part, but at least you get to see her in her underwear.

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